GetPaidToBoycott (GPTB) : double standard !!

** This post will stay at the top of my blog and is dated 2009, be sure to scroll down if you want to read about PTC/PTR reviews **

I do NOT support GetPaidToBoycott

BEWARE of GPTBoycott for they are not what they proclaim to be.
They have NO CREDIBILITY, NO AUTHORITY & most importantly, NO LICENSE!
And if you value your privacy "beware" of joining there.

That's what they claim "The aim of GPTBoycott is to name the offending 'get-paid' companies, and to urge our visitors to stop using them. If you're tired of companies stealing your time and money, and if you want to know which sites to avoid, take a look around this site, and help us stamp out fraudulent behaviour online!"

"Once upon a time" I thought GPTB was usefull, until I understood their double standard : do what we say, not what we do... and their illogical complaint management :

*Accusing sites to run ponzi scheme ads, MLM, adsense, while they do widely advert them on GPTB
* Allowing complaints when the problem is ALREADY solved by the program owner and when the member who wrote the complaint did already retract.
*Accepting complaints against sites from people when they don't have ANY possibility to know if these people are actually members of the said site (in fact they have no way to verify anything)
Means that everybody can post a complaint about a site : a cheater who was caught and not paid...a member who wants a personal revenge with the PO can call all his friends to post a complaint wether his friends are or not can even post multiple complaints as long as you do it from different computers with different names, or even anonymous...
*10 complaints have to be raised against a site to have it boycotted wether this said site has only hundreds of members or thousands>> this is not logical!
*They allow complaints , but don't allow praises : that means that only one voice can be heard.
* Mods and admins of the forum being judge and jury, which is unethical, and allowing bashing and name calling, as well as personal attacks towards people when they try to defend a program or when they don't agree...

Last but not least : while I see many "paying " and honnest programs listed in their watch or boycott list, many known scams are not!
I do certainly forget much, but this was just to tell some reasons why I do not support them anymore. If you're interested further you can visit some of the links I provide hereunder.
2 established programs are involved, these are since years in the PTR industry, and are known to have ALWAYS paid their members!



Yes this post is dated 2009....weird? no, not that much, as I just want it to stay at the top of my blog and until now, didn't figure another way to do it (advices from more experienced bloggers are welcome !!)

March 25 th
Also, I'm VERY busy lately (preparing my april travel to China with my son), I do my best to keep this blog updated and post, but I'm not much clicking my PTC since a few days (had to chose between clicking and writing here)

As latest update, I would say I'm a bit disgusted...managed to have around 90 referrals for Buxplus, but the site is in 404 error (read my post here) this, added to the lack of time, explains maybe why I took a "click pause".

Feel free to left me a comment, or maybe you want me to talk about a particular matter in PTC? Just ask, and if I'm able to answer, I'll do it with great pleasure !


I noticed that some of you did sign up under me at one or another program, but since I don't know you ;o), it would be very nice to let me a comment (on the post reviewing the site you registered to) so I could at least thank you !!!


In the coming days I'll have to do a little cleaning in my PTC programs, I have again to delete some (no scams but just some sites I don't appreciate, for different reasons)

Also I'll leave for my long ago planned travel to China the last week of may. I'll be absent from home almost 2 monthes and be back around mi-july.
Expect a short offline period, as I will have access to a computer there, but it'll not be mine, and will miss many of the softwares I use, so I'll need a few "adaptation".


I'm back, alive and kicking ! (and posting ;o) )

PTCNation - Control your financial destiny!