PTC nation


Get in while it's time and grab your VIP membership for 6 monthes (value $50)
(To Anyone who signs up during Pre-Launch )

All Balances will be reset on Grand opening! The Top 3 Clickers will receive a cashout (As a special incentive to become involved, the Top 3 users with the most Experience Points will receive a Triple Cashout!!! )



My latest signup is a clickin'me.
This is a brand new site, opened one week ago who seems to have interested many people, as it counts already more than 23 000 members!

This sites combines many new features as well as some good points like the staff presentation page with pictures and short bios and a very low payout of $1.99 (through Alertpay)
The most interesting feature is the "test referral " one, : this is very new in the industry, and still I wonder why noone thought about it before :

- You can buy test referrals for 48 hours at different rates depending how much you wish to test (sets of 10, 20, 50 and 100 refs are available, the cost varies between $3.98 and $25.98) and if you're satisfied after 2 days, you can buy them forever.
This is a very nice feature, as it allows you to check if your refs do actually click.
Though you will have to check often to be able to buy them as they are very fast sold.
When you wish to purchase them after the test period, the cost is between $16.45 for 10 refs and $119.45 for a set of 100.

They also offer a "regular" referral sale at these rates :

1 referrals : $ 2.99
5 referrals : $ 9.99
10 referrals : $ 16.99
20 referrals : $ 29.99
50 referrals : $ 59.99
100 referrals : $ 119.99

Something important to know is that you will earn more from your referrals if they're bought ones : as you're earning $0.75 cents per click for your personally referred downline, you'll get 1 cent per click from bought referrals.

Premium membership is also slightly different from other sites.
First because you have many more uprade options.
You can upgrade for 48 hours, 1 month, 2 months or lifetime.
Here are the main advantages of an upgrade at Clickin'me :

- for each own click 1.50 cents
- for each direct referral click .75 cents
- for each bought referral click 1.00 cent
- all ads refresh after each 8 hours (that means you can click 3 times a day !!)
- you need to watch ads only 15 seconds
- we guarantee you at least 40 ads daily
- your payouts and payments will be handled as "priority"
- You will be able to write messages to your referrals

Price of the upgrades are as follow :

2 days : $ 6.97
1 month : $ 29.97
2 months : $ 43.97
Lifetime : $ 79.97

Obviously, the price is more interesting lifetime!

Special feature Super package :
Lifetime premium membership + 100 referrals + 10 000 ads! >>>$ 149.99 (limited offer !)

Caution for chinese members : must be upgraded in order to cash out.

My opinion :
Well, this seems to be one of the most promising sites I registered at lately.
I just enjoy their "test referrals" feature and bought a set of ten which I paid forever after the 48 hours test as they were all active ones
After a week membership, I already have around $9 in my account, and eventhough the cashout is at $1.99 I'll wait to have $10 before asking.
I seriously think about upgrading there, be it only for the number of ads available.

3rd september :

Following Patrick's request in my post comments here's an update about clickin'me :
I did reach the $ 1.99 payout very fast so I decided to wait having reached $10 before cashing out (I prefer having some "consequent "amount sent to my AP account)
This was done the 30th august and I asked to be paid early in my morning.
I was paid the same day of my request !!

Here's my payment proof:

Payed !!!

Nice surprise to open the mail account and read "you received a payment" from Paypal !!
Especially when no payment was expected...
The cashout is usually at £ 20

This nice surprise came today from MyHomepageFriends (formerly My Search Funds)


Raison sociale :
My Search Funds
Adresse email de l'acheteur :
Montant total :
£6,20 GBP
Tarif :
-£0,44 GBP
Total :
£5,76 GBP (égale -£5,76 GBP)

Conversion de :
-£5,76 GBP
Conversion en :
€7,09 EUR
Taux de change :
1 Livre Britannique = 1,23207 Euros

Date :
27 jul 2008
Heure :
07:19:48 PDT
Etat :

Objet :
My Search Funds vient de vous envoyer £5,76 GBP par le biais de PayPal
Remarque :
As a special thanks for using our service we have for this month lowered our payout limit for you from £20!!

Enclosed payment for period to May 31st 2008!

Thanks for using our service and please tell your friends!

DROP 12 : dedicated to blog advertisement!

Update september 2008 : This site became a "sign up for online offers". So do notsign up unless you're interested in being paid for completing online offers

Drop12 is one of my latest signups, and I wanted to seize that occasion to make a post about this new site dedicated especially to blog advertisement (even if one can do "regular" advertising too).
Obviously, I'll also make a full review later, after a few time membership like I usually do.

The aim of Drop12 is to earn money by viewing blogs/ads AND commenting!
This can seem unusual, but is a brilliant idea, as advertisers will have some feed back from their visitors, and will then surely return and advertise again.
Drop12 allows bloggers to advertise their sites and blog readers to earn money while they read or view a blog!

Drop12 wants to have a serious member base, and therefore, they did implement some rules wich are as follow (I quote) :

1. In order to cashout, you must be a Premium member and have an active account in the forum.
2. If your email rejects mails, you have falsified information to us and we will be deleting your account without question. If you have question about reinstating your account you will have to contact us directly.
3. We encourage our none premium members to sign up in the Forum, it
will eventually be a requirement if you wish to request and receive a payout!
4. As a none premium member you will only be allowed to refer 50 people directly underneath you. As a Premium member you can refer as many as you want! However, under both premium and none premium members you can purchase however many refs as you want!

5. The site visitation timer has been reset and you will have to spend 40 second on a site. You have to be active in the site and show your support to our advertisers, otherwise this is where we will keep the seconds.

Again, in order to request a payout, you will have to become a premium member ( We may only have this up temporary to secure that DISHONEST individuals be pruned/purged from this excellent community of folks.)

I'm usually not really agreeing about having to be premium in order to cashout, but if it can help the site (which is still new) to get serious honnest and interested people as members, and if it's only temporary, why not. PTC world is full of dishonnest members, and this can be a way to discourage those folks to sign up at a site.

Here are Drop12's main characteristics :

$0.01 per click and $ 0.005 per referral click.
Cashout is $9 through Paypal or to redeem for ads
Payout is temporarily only if you're premium and is made in 7 days after cashout, but it might be faster.
When the temporary measure will be terminated, then payout will be in 22 days for free members and 7 days for premium.

Right now there's a comment contest on at Drop12, the winner will get 2 free refs.
This contest will last until july 31th.

Give it a try, if the rules set in place can seem very strict in comparison to other sites, this talks in favor of the owners wish to built a serious site and to keep it serious. As a blog writer, I know how frustrating blind clicks can be. If these rules can allow to get a bit more attention from our readers this would be a great step and improvement done in the blogosphere



One of my dear partner (MONEY ONLINE FOR BEGINNERS) released today a very usefull E-BOOK about PTC
Wether you're a newbie or a more seasonned clicker you'll find this book very interesting with a lot of meaningful informations and tips. This E-Book is very well done, clear and concise and it's presentation makes the reading easy.

These are the chapters and subjects covered by this guide, on how to earn from PTC :

- Introduction to PTC
- Making money from PTC impossible?
- Step-by-step guide (Alertpay, Paypal, PTC account)
- How to select PTC
- How to avoid from being banned
- Referral search techniques
- How to succeed in PTC
- PTC Risks and how to handle them
- Tips from my personal experiences
- Top Paying PTC (until July 2008)

Also This free e-book is available in 2 versions (English and Malay) and downloadable in PDF format (using Adobe Reader). If you don't have Acrobat reader, you'll be able to download it from his blog as well, as he provided the link.

Don't miss to grab your FREE copy on his blog !
HERE is the way !!!

payment proofs month after month

MAY AND JUNE 2008 (merged because I was not at home and not much clicking)

UronlineBux : $ 13.15

Transaction Type: Transfer received from
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $13.15 USD
Purchase Type: Service
Note: We are happy to send you a payout from AlertPay only accepts 2 decimals so any money not paid here is transferred back to your account.. Please support us by posting something on the forum under Proof of Payments. Thank you!

IsabelMarco : $12

Date: 6/8/2008 9:43:55 PM

Transaction Type: Transfer received from
Method: Isabelmarco's Moneymaker
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $12.00 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Note: Congratulations.Don't forget to put a proof off payment on the forum to get your next payout. Keep reading our ads. Isabelmarco

JULY 2008

Asked payout at : Uronlinebux, IsabelMarco, Foxcash, Extra10

And received random payout at BGPaymail : $ 4.45


Received payout from :
IsabelMarco : second payout >> $40, 95

Clickin'me : First payout >> $10, 08

Neobux : first payout >> $10

Still waiting :
UronlineBux ; Foxcash and Extra10 (I have ~200 people in front of me in the waiting line)

Asked Payout at :
Earn3 ; PersianPTC

I'm back !!

Yes I'm back, after almost 2 monthes at the other end of the earth. I couldn't update my blog from there because of the problems I stated in my last post, and also because of the more than capricious connection I had at the hotel.
But now the serious stuff will begin again.
I have many things to sort out : "dead" programs, those I unsubscribed from and also the new ones.
Several payment proofs to post too.
So stay tuned and be sure to check my blog in the coming days !

My China trip

Hello my dear readers, I'm in China now since a couple of days!
what a long trip it was... I still miss some hours sleep and have to get used to the timelag!
Couldn't visit much until now, but I'll have almost 2 monthes to do that !
Anyway, just wanted you to know that it'll be a bit difficult to update my blog, because I can access my dashboard and post, but I can't view my blog and check the result on how it was posted. So please be patient with me. I'll try to do my best and keep this blog updated as much as I can!

EXTRA 10 and EARN3

EARN 3 and EXTRA10 are the latest program I signed in. They're both from the same owner and have almost the same characteristics.


Membership is FREE +$0.05 sign up bonus

Per click : $0.01
Per referral click : $0.01 (100% referral earnings)

Minimum payout is $10 via Alertpay. Payment requests can be made every day


The Premium Membership comes with the following features:

Surf Ads guaranteed loaded with minimum 15+ ads every Day!
Earn $0.0125/click and $0.0125/
Ability To Mail Your Referrals.
Priority Payments

1 year premium membership cost $59


5 referrals : $6.95
35 referrals : $34.65
100 referrals : $89.95
Limited! 500 Members for $429.00


Each visit will last at least 30 seconds. Outside visits are unlimited and included within the price.
If your ad stays active for a long enough time, it will be picked up by search engines like Google and will give your site an extremely high page rank because you are linked from a high traffic website!

100 : $ 1.99
500 : $ 9.75
1 000 : $ 19.10
2 500 : $ 46.75
5 000 : $ 91.50
10 000 : $ 179
50 000 : $ 875
100 000 : $ 1 710
500 000 : $ 8 350
1 000 000 : $ 15 999

You can also convert your earnings into ads, selct various categories to display your ad, as well as show your ad to premium members only.


It's very early to have a firm opinion about Extra 10, but this site belongs to the same network as Earn3, Cliksia and Incentria which are all very well known and have the reputation to pay their members.
Extra 10 has it own forum, a special "proof of payment" page, and also a new feature page, allowing you to send your testimonial and be paid $0.10 for it!
Ad prices make this site sustainable


Membership is FREE +$0.05 sign up bonus

Per click : $0.01
Per referral click : $0.01 (100% referral earnings)

Minimum payout is $10 via Alertpay (more cashout options to be added in the future) since the 10th may (it has been increased from $3 to $10 as the number of claimed cashout was very hard to follow when it was only $3). That should lead to faster cashout!


Premium membership comes with the following features :
Your click is worth $0.015 and your referrals clicks $0.0125
Also you'll get priority payment

One year Premium membership is $ 55.95


10 referrals : $9.95
35 referrals : $32.95
100 referrals : $89.95


First of all, this is a site where you can also convert your earnings to ads from as little as $2 (this a feature I like in PTC progs)

500 : $7
1000 : $ 14
2000 : $ 28
3000 : $ 42
5000 : $ 70
10000 :$ 140

You can also chose whether you want your ad displayed to all members or only premiums.


Very Good site in my opinion. The payout change did at first upset me a bit, but I assume that payout requests very very hard to manage due to their number, and would have ended in monthes waiting only to be able to cash out $3, so it's better they switched to $10 (which is the "standard" cashout almost everywhere lately)
A forum is available (with many payment proofs posted by members), as well as live chat and support tickets.
Advertising prices are sustainable

neobux : i did it !

I did it, and I just regret I didn't sign up faster.
At the time Neobux was still in prelaunch (and with obviously better conditions for those registering during prelaunch), It happened often to have their site advertised on other PTC I belong to, but as I had already many daily clicks to do, I didn't want to add another PTC to my list.
This procrastination was a bad idea, as I missed on many interesting features...


Pioneer and Standard Membership

Per click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.015 (extended view)
Per referral click: $0.005 (standard view) · $0.010 (extended view)
referrals purchases: Nothing

Golden Membership

Per click:
Per referral click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.020 (extended view)
referrals purchases: 10% of each purchase (advertisements, referrals, etc.)

Minimum Payout:

The minimum payout amount is set at $2.00 (two US dollars) for your first payout request, $3.00 (three US dollars) for the second, $4.00 (four US dollars) for the third and so on until $10.00 (ten US dollars).
This means that when you reach or go beyond this limit, you can request your earned money.

Amount of time for payment processing:

You'll be paid through AlertPay, After you request your payment, you'll receive it instantly upon request or in less than 48 hours if AlertPay services are down.


Cost of the upgrade to golden membership is $ 40 for one year through AlertPay


As of now, it's not possible to buy referrals at Neobux, but this is a feature which will be available soon with a great innovation.
Referrals won't be sold anymore but rented! and in my opinion it's a great idea.
I quote hereunder a part of their forum talking about this soon to be implemented option :

So, we came up with a simple, economic and not against the law solution.
If you agree, we would like to make monthly contracts with referrals.

So, instead of selling them for a high price, you can rent them by paying for them monthly.

Imagine, instead of buying 500 slaves for $500, that you can pay for them monthly for just a small fraction of the cost?
It's more economic and we won't have the IRS in our backs!

Again, if a worker sits or plays around for 14 days we will fire them and new ones will take their place.

The referral renting system is still under development and Besides the renting, we're implementing a new system which will be great for everyone!

So, new rules for the first month (subject to changes):

Maximum employers

Golden Members: Maximum of 1500 referrals
Pioneer Members: Maximum of 300 referrals
Standard Members: Maximum of 100 referrals

Golden Members: $0.20 per referral / month
Pioneer Members: $0.25 per referral / month
Standard Members: $0.30 per referral / month

- The Maximum number of referrals is the sum of your direct referrals with you rented
- We'll automatically exchange any rented referral that's been inactive for a period of 14 days.
- more rules soon...

Soon you'll be able to pre-order you referrals.
The system will only let you pre-order until you reached the maximum number of referrals or until they run out.

Prices for the pre-order:
Golden Members: $0.40 per referral / month
Pioneer Members: $0.50 per referral / month
Standard Members: $0.60 per referral / month

This price includes the pre-order reservation and a full month counting from the day of the implementation.

So, for example, if you pre-order now and the implementation is only finished on the 30th of May, you'll get them paid until June 30.

When the pre-order system is implemented a new topic will be created on the forum.


For each advertisement you buy, you'll have to chose between standard view (30 seconds exposure) or extended view (60 seconds exposure).

Here also, Neobux innovates, as you buy clicks that you can distribute (split) between several ads.
You can also pause, resume or delete your ads any time you want, and when you decide to delete an advertisement with remaining clicks, those clicks left will be back in your account to use on another ad!
When you advertise, you'll have access to detailed statistics as well as to a geographic filter feature that you can toggle on or off to chose different countries for each ad.

Advertising rates :

May 10th update

2 new small click packs
Now you can purchase 100 and 250 click packs
These packs are available in Standard and Extended View

100 standard view is $3 and extended view is $6
250 standard view is $5 and extended view is $10


As said above, I really regret not
to have reacted faster.
This is a very innovative site, with great new ideas.
Moreover, FAQ is very well done and explicative with a little taste of humor.
The site is fluid very secure and very fast to navigate. Their forum section is interesting with a responsive and participating admin.
GREAT site and sustainable prices !

dreamteammoney forum : a Goldmine !

Affiliate Marketing Forum
Affiliate Marketing Forum

DreamTeamMoney Forum (or DTM for short), a part of DTM Network, is THE place to be member at if you seek accurate information about any imaginable field of online(and even offline) money making opportunity.
This includes HYIP, Autosurf, GPT, Affiliate Programs, Internet Marketing Forum, Webmaster, E currency, Liberty Reserve, Affiliate Marketing, HYIP, Multi level Marketing which educate you on how to Make Money online!

Friendly, responsive and helpful members, very professional staff, and well organized forum sections are their keys to success!

Whether you're a newbie and want to learn about Online money making techniques, or a seasoned online money maker with much experience to share DTM will welcome you friendly and soon become a very precious tool in your online ventures. This is a very positive place and by far the best moneymaking forum I know.

There would be much more to tell to cover everything DTM can do for you, but why not come and have a look for yourself? I KNOW you'll enjoy it !!

You can sign up an account here and see for yourself:

More mails at WordLinx !!

Two days ago, we received the WordLinx newsletter annoucing more paid adverts as from the 15th may.
This is GREAT!!! as I really love that site!

Obviously, as they'll create many more ads for all the members, the upgrade and verified membership price will also increase from $5 to $10 yearly (for verified member) at the end of the month. So if you foresaw to upgrade at WordLinx, better do it before May 30th 2008.
These are the upgrade prices for one year, and it is good to know that the current Verified/Upgraded members will continue to pay the cheaper price, until they cancel their subscription.

If you want to know more about WordLinx and their changes, please follow this link to their blog.

My search funds : why not earn money while searching?

April 25 th
New IMPROVED search results : search with Yahoo, Live Search or, and soon GOOGLE

This is not really PTC or PTR but it's still PAID this time !

First of all I have to precise that My Search Funds pays in £ (british pounds) which is a VERY high currency (higher than Euro and Dollar).

Everybody does searches on Internet, usually on Google, or Yahoo or any other search engine, and all those well known search providers receive advertising revenue from many of the companies featured in their search results.

My Search Funds has partnered with to reward users and loyalty by paying out a large portion of this advertising revenue when the search is made through one of their boxes. By combining all this search traffic they are able to negotiate a stronger deal with and passing 50% of this revenue back to you.

It's very simple : you certainly already have an integrated search box on your browser, usually featuring Google , Yahoo or Live Search. When you sign up at MySearchFunds, it'll simply add one search provider ( on the list already installed. What you'll have to do is chose this one when yo do a search, or set it as default(if you use Ask to access another search engine (Google etc) you will still be able to view the results, but no revenue will be generated!)

The service currently works on Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 7 ( IE7) and Mozilla/ Firefox browsers.
Vista is also supported.

You search as normal, like what you already do, but now you earn for FREE by using them as your search provider!
How much you earn depends only on you and on the number of searches for your typical day to day Internet searches.
You can also earn more by referring people and create a downline ( see below)

1st level : YOU (you earn 50% of the total search revenue)

What is great is that MySearchFunds will pay you some of their 50% from your friends searches in return for you referring them :

2nd level : your direct referrals (YOU earn10% of the revenue from their searches)
3rd level : your referrals's referrals (YOU earn 5% of the revenue from their searches)
4th level : referrals from your referral's referrals (YOU earn 2,5 % of the revenue from their searches)

You can chose to by paid either by Paypal, either into your bank account.
They pay every 30 days, 45 days after each month end. e.g. Searches done in April are paid in mid June.

Please note that MySearchFunds reserves the right in its sole discretion to disallow any searches and/or terminate the account of any individual generating searches outside of the Terms and Conditions including (but not limited to) click fraud, automated search tools, no repetitive searching or anything which could be construed by or their affiliate partners as deliberate attempts to generate revenue without regard to the results being returned.

So, this is something you do already every day, completely FREE and you could start earning right away! What are you waiting for??? SIGNUP IS HERE :o)

My personal experience :

I use Mysearchfunds now since 2 weeks, and quality of the results is good in my opinion, I have always found what I was searching for. I'm not a "heavy searcher" I would say I have an average of 10-12 searches à day more or less (161 searches total), and as of now I have earned £ 2.70 ($ 5,36) !!!


FoxCash opened its door on april17th, and however its very fast growing (~6600 members as of today) it's still time to promote it and get your downlines.

Here are FoxCash's characteristics :

Membership is FREE + $0.005 sign up bonus

You'll get paid $0.0150 for each website you personally view
$0.01 for each website your referrals view.
Payout $ 5. through Alertpay

UPDATE 6th may 2008 :
Min Payout has been increased to $10

Upgrades :

Surf Ads guaranteed loaded with minimum 15 ads every Day!
Earn $0.02 each click and $0.0125 each click from your referrals.
Priority Payments.

Price : $25 one full year

Referral packages :

5 members for $10
100 members for $110
Limited 500 Members for $490

Advertising :

100 members visits : $ 5
500 members visits : $10
1000 members visits : $ 17
2500 members visits : $ 40
5000 members visits : $ 75
10000 members visits : $165
50000 members visits : $720

More options available.

My Opinion :

VERY TRUSTABLE site from the owner of Xclicks. This program began its growing very fast with more than 6600 members joining in 2 days!!
As a regular member I got around 10 ads/day as of now, and in my opinion, this is a very good site considering its owner reputation of honesty .
Moreover this site's prices are fully sustainable


Persian PTC is the latest site I did subscribe to and I can say I'm not deceived until now.
Contrary to the majority of other PTC sites, this one doesn't provide any links, but real banners to click.
Persian PTC opened its doors on 8th april, so it's still time to get in and advertise it.

here's what you'll get :


Membership is FREE + $1 signup bonus !!

May 15th Update : Payout for FREE members reduced to $ 5 !!
But, because of this reduced payout, the signup bonus was reduced to $0.10
That's nice, I like this lowered payout !

  • Per click $0.01 - $0.05 (PTC worth 1-5 cents)
  • Per free sign up $0.2 - $1 (PTS worth 20cent-1dollar
  • $7 minimum payout for free members.
  • $6 for Bronze Members,
    $5 for Silver Members,
    $3 for Gold Members

    and NO minimum payout for Diamond Members

  • To upgrade, you should Sign-up and then you will be able to upgrade your membership via e-gold or your Account Balance
  • %25 Level 1 commission and $0.02 Referral Bonus
  • Payment requests are processed within 1-48 hours.
  • Payouts only via : EGold, and soon through Paypal


    They're for 2 years and begin at $40 (the 2 years!) for the bronze membership this is a you'll get for this upgrade :

    Referral Suction: x1 (1 Referral from each 18 members that signup without a referrer)
    Minimum Payout: $6 within 3days
    Advertising Packages:
    10.000 Banner Rotation & 100 PTC x 3cent (timer: 60s) + Gift: 60 PTC x 5cent (timer: 100s)

    I won't detail all 4 different upgrades here, but obviously, everything is proportionnal. Price ranges between $40 for 2 year and $200 for the diamond membership (2 years also)


    3 types of Advertising:

    PTC ads PTS ads Banner rotation ads

    They have so much different advertising available, that it would be ridiculous to write them all down here, but you can check them for yourself here : (then click on the advertising mean you're interested in, to see the rates)

    My Opinion :

    What first attracted me may seem a bit ridiculous, but it's the layout of the site, lol As for now, I don't know if I'll upgrade at Persian PTC as it's still a bit early (remember I'm only member since yesterday!) Signup bonus deducted, I made 47 cents in one day membership, which is very good knowing that I have no referral at all. The ad prices make this site sustainable

    programs paying $100 or more per link : scam? turn them to your advantage!

    As many of you are aware of, there's a bunch of sites offering $100 or more per mail read and payouts around $1000.
    While these sites are not credible, obviously unsustainable and certainly SCAMS, I considered joining some of them.
    WHY? Let me explain :

    Most of these sites have a huge member database, usually above 10.000 members (it's amazing to see how many people do fall in the get rich can one believe it's possible to be paid hundreds just to read a mail??? it'll always makes me wonder)

    With such huge databases, these sites are are a perfect spot where to send YOUR advertisement for your programs.
    So, instead cashing out and bite my fingers waiting for a payout which will never come, I do just redeem for ads and blast my ads to theses 10.000 + members.
    The return is not exceptional, but I do grab referrals with this mean, and at least it's almost FREE (except the time you spent clicking their ads to reach the redemption (redeem for ad) availability.

    I'll will soon update this post with links to some of these sites! stay in touch !

    Oh, forgot to add !! Many of those programs are in fact not SCAMS! WHY? just read their TOS : usually it specifies that the site is NOT paying but only a "redeem for ads" one.
    I know I'll repeat myself....but READ THE TOS when you register!

    jargon fish : a cool widget and an exceptional staff !

    I do sometimes post entries not related in any form to GPT world but about opportunities I found and thought they could be interesting for my fellow readers too.

    Today I'm happy to introduce JargonFish and the very nice experience I had with its helpful staff.

    What the hell is JargonFish??
    To make things short it's a widget for your blog, which can be fully customizable to fit your own needs.

    What makes this widget exceptional is that, once installed and customized, JargonFish will highlight or underline keywords YOU did select on YOUR blog or website pages.
    When your readers click on one of these keywords, a small window will open (so that your readers wont quit your site), displaying several helpful ressources related to the clicked keyword (i.e. BlogCatalog,Yahoo! Search, YouTube, Flickr, Wikipedia,Technorati, Amazon, Ebay,as well as creating your own custom tools).

    You can add as many or few from the ressources cited above, you have complete control on what you choose to display on your widget based on what content you find useful or relevant to your site.

    This is a screenshot from how the widget will display if you click on one of the keywords (you can also see the keywords in use on my posts : those are underlined in blue)

    And, ohhh!!! forgot to add, this widget is completely FREE!!

    Technically, it consists to add a piece of Javascript on your page or blog template, by editing the HTML and inserting this code between the "HEAD" tags.

    It's very easy and fast done, moreover, when you'll register, you'll receive a very nice welcome email, and someone will be personally in charge to give you all the help you need if ever you struggle with the installation or customization.

    My personal experience with my "personal contact" at JargonFish was awesome, not only was he very friendly and helping, but also impressively fast in answering my problem.
    I have a customized template, which made the installation a bit more complicate, and I'm also really far from being a HTML genius. The whole problem was solved in a couple of hours, with a top notch communication from my personal contact there, letting me know point after point how the solving of my problem was evolving!

    If you're interested in this awesome widget, click below

    new program alert : uronlinebux

    pened today, and baked by the reputable URONLINEBIZ eZine with a brand new security enforced script.

    UrOnlineBiz is a well known eZine in GPT world, established since many years and treating about all kind of money making programs, from PT programs to HYIP and MLM.

    The decision to open a PTC site is part of a long term project in order to have more insight in PTC owner daily work and improvement of PTC industry, as well as improving their reviews about other PT sites.
    They're working together with programmer to improve security and anti-cheat measures, as well as developping new site features.

    Here's what you'll get at URONLINEBUX :

    Membership FREE + $0.05 signup bonus
    $0.01 for each website you view
    $0.01 for each website your referrals view
    Payout $10 through Alertpay

    Referral packages :

    5 referrals : $ 6.95
    35referrals : $ 34.65
    100referrals : $ 89.95
    500 referrals :$ 459.00

    Upgrade :

    The Premium Membership comes with the following features:

    Ads guaranteed loaded with minimum 20 ads every Day!
    Earn $0.0125 each click and $0.0125 each click from your referrals.
    Priority Payments.

    One Year premium membership is $59

    PTR PTC Paid to : everything moves, nothing changes

    That was a post I wanted to write since long ago, but I had to sort my memories before.
    I'm "playing" in the "paid to" world since more than 4 years now, and many transformations occured during these years.

    When I began, it was the time of "annies biz" and "AprilGoldGetPaid2", seasoned PTer's will certainly remember.
    At that time PTC was consisting mainly by clicking on banners which were also advertised on those sites, but on another page, separated from the "regular" mail messages.
    You received mails either in your onsite inbox, or at your private email account (or both, ; though usually you had the choice)
    Some sites did send loads of emails everyday, and the value was between $0.001 and $0.01 (1 cent value was however rare), and it was almost a pain to click all these links daily.
    Then there was a first turn : searches !!
    Do you remember searches? all those searches...hundreds of was very time consuming.
    Then, search engines did get upset (because, after all, all these searches were not natural : I mean, you didn't search because you needed to search something particular or enquire about something, you searched because you were paid for that)

    Nowadays, the large majority of GPT sites are PTC (as opposed to the "old" ones who were mainly PTR), but with the difference that it's not clicking on banners anymore but clicking on links without having to read a whole mail message and check if it's a cheat link or not.

    Anti cheat measures are different, GPT industry is also very different, although it's goal is still the same. : cheap advertising for advertisers, little earnings for the clickers, and obviously a little benefit for the program owner.
    The last "fashion" is the "BUX" sites...what will be the next one?

    The "old standard" GPT do still exist, with regular mails, as well as searches ; some of the best did survive, but they're certainly do not belong to the current standard anymore.
    One of these little gems is one of my preferred programs, I always had wonderful answer to my advertising (you can read more about it here )

    Nothing stays the same, everything moves and evolves, but in fact nothing changes...

    Velocity clicks turned out to be a SCAM

    Sadly, Velocity Clicks turned out to be a SCAM... while I hate to be one of the first calling a program scam, I have also to inform my readers when I'm sure that one or another program turns bad. Especially when that said program is still up and running...It's my duty to warn my readers that subscribing there would be a loss of time as well as a source of deception. I did also send a private message through VC to all my active referrals.

    The story :
    Velocity clicks was very promising, and paying very fast too (read my review here) he did pay me as well as thousand of members before the beginning of a very complicate "story".

    Soon after the opening, and as the site was growing very fast (about 500 members joined daily) some forums and people already mentionned that Velocity Click's owner was a certain Eric Lew, former owner of Icashout (a site who vanished, letting all its members unpaid, and a recognized scam).
    As I said above, I usually hate to follow the first scam callings, as I prefer to see for myself how things are turning, so I was actively reading articles and threads about VC, but decided to keep on clicking there (at that time I hadn't reached my first payout, and I'm happy I did click further, because at least I was paid for it). But also, when having numerous sites telling it could be a scam, I was at least a bit wary and did not invest in upgrades or referrals.
    Though, then, just after my first payout, the "mess" began seriously :

    As answer to threads that were accusing him to be that "Eric Lew from I cashout" the owner of VC defended himself by telling he was not. At that time, VC's owner was still very much communicating through forums( his own as well as many other).
    After a few weeks, allthough members were happy with the payouts (which were very fast and always done) a number of complaints concerning referral sales appeared on these forums and at the VC forum as well.
    People were complaining referrals did vanish from their downline, other mentionned that they did buy referral packs but that almost all of them were inactive.
    Though it's the risk when you buy referrals, VC had a replacement policy and members wanted their "inactives" replaced, which is legitimate. Conveniently, this replacement policy was suddenly non applicable, or only applicable if... (various changes were done)...
    At VC forum, posts stating this vanished overnight, and a few days later the forum itself was unreachable during a few days. After it's reopening, 3 days were missing and it was told to members that he had to backup three days ahead as the most recent backups had not been done..go figure...

    You can read further about here :
    *Long thread with the whole story
    * thread from Assoth

    In the following week, suddenly, site as well as forum were unreachable, and at a dedicated PT forum, there were posts from a certain Assoth, former mod from VC forum telling that he had been abused by VC's owner, that it was really the scammer Eric Lew who lied to everybody and, last but not least, that he (Assoth) did hack the site as a revenge, and stole all the money in Velocity click's Alertpay account...

    The site came back online 2 days after, but with strange signs, showing it could be a scam ...80 to 100 links everyday (only around 15 before), no online support anymore, no forum as well (and forum never came back online)
    At that time I was very close to 2nd payout, so I decided to continue clicking even though...and as soon as I reached $10, I asked for payout.
    My payout was placed in "pending" which is normal, but 3 days after , it showed as "paid" in my VC account but this was NOT TRUE! My Alertpay account did not have any incoming money transfer...
    I would have bother writing to support, but I had also friends who were member at VC, and it was exactly the same for them : account showing "paid" as they were not.

    Velocity click is now a proven scam who DOES NOT pay its members. It's sad, because it had a very promising beginning, and with all this story, I still don't know who scammed who (the owner or Assoth), but what I know is that at the end it were the members who have been usual...

    Just a little wink...

    This is just a little wink to whom it may concern :o) (and you know who you are). I don't want to breach your privacy, but if you agree, I can also put a backlink to you here, lol!
    Thank you!

    So the table is set : coffee , donuts, newspaper hope you will enjoy!!
    And to all my other readers, take a sit and share with us !! The expresso machine is full and I bought a truck of donuts !!

    Using an autoclicker is a very bad idea !

    Auto-clickers (or bots) become a real menace for PTC industry lately, and maybe you did already notice that many PTC sites implemented more and more anti-cheat measures.

    What's a auto-clicker you may ask?
    An autocliker is a software that automates clicks and allows dishonest members to cheat a PTC program. Thus in order to earn a max commission in a minimum amout of time. Usually, and that's the common rule, members do first have to log in their account, and then click on the available links, one after another, waiting each ad to have it's timer over.

    With an auto-clicker, everything is automated, except the account login. That means the member has still to log in his account, set the bot and than the software will scan the page for links and auto-click of them. And all of this runs in the background.

    UNFAIR !

    Obviously, as these clicks are not "human" ones, they are strictly forbidden, and considered as cheating and illegal in each serious program TOS. After all, the goal of a PTC site, is to actually SHOW ads to people. If no one looks at the displayed ads, no advertiser will buy ad campains they'll see their ads were not effective, and won't come back anymore.
    And a program who can't sell ads anymore, will die soon.

    It's also highly unfair for honnest members, If I am an advertiser, and buy, for example a 1 cent to 1000 members, my ad will maybe be clicked by 100 bots and deprive 100 other members, honnest ones, from wieving my ad, and earning a comission for it. I will be deceived by the results of my campain won't advertise there anymoreand won't be the only one .
    The program won't have any more ads to show, the programm owner will be broken by having paid out cheaters, and will maybe not be able to pay the reamining payout requests. Bots will have killed the site!!

    What 's the risk to use autoclickers?

    If the Program Owner finds out You use that type of software (and believe me they will investigate your account before paying you, especially since the use of bots became so important) you'll lose ALL your earnings and be BANNED. It may seem to you it's "working" and it can work a while, but as soon you'll request payment, your account will be checked.

    PO's do talk together, at least some of them, some also do post in PTC dedicated forums and they'll maybe give usernames from those who had been found cheating, so you even risk to lose your earnings and accounts at several programs.

    Another thing is often forgotten by the autoclickers users : many of these bots are "rotten", I mean when you download them, and also when using them.
    Some of them have built-in trojans and other kinds of nasty crap such as virii, worms aso. while some other do load them during the sofware download.
    If you're worried by your security and your PC's health, know that by downloading these bots, you put yourself at risk. You should better think twice before downloading this kind of programs...

    What do PTC owners do to prevent the use of auto-clickers?

    Well, several measures have took place in order to get rid of this. Many POs did even set up several different anti-cheat systems, as one alone could be not enough to spot a bot. This can include

    • Login page with touring number (CAPTCHA)
    • End of timer with CAPTCHA, or at any other time in the ad
    • Cheat links (a link clearly noted as "cheat link do not click", but the bot will only see a link, not read what's specified above, and will click even though)
    • Session time out
    • IP monitoring
    • Simple questions or mathematic operations asked before accessing the ad or after the timer is finished

    Other measures that I'm not aware of do certainly exist too...

    In conclusion, If you began PTC, it's certainly because you like it, it's not a hard job, and well paid for what has to be done. If you want to be paid for it in the long run, cheating the program is really a bad idea.
    If you find it's a too hard work...then think about quitting PTC and do something else.
    Advertisers wants to show their ads to real people, and as long as this happens, they'll keep on spending money in PTC, and we will keep on earning...

    So...think twice....for your earnings, and for your computer health, DO NOT USE AN AUTOCLICKER!

    Qassia , a new backlink concept ! more traffic for you!

    This is what Qassia can do for you!

    It can:
    You can add your websites, and get unlimited quality backlinks. There is no need to pay, or to link back to Qassia. Websites are processed instantly and ranked by the amount of credits you have amassed. To earn credits, you can add intel, i.e. tidbits of intelligence.

    Why is Qassia needed?
    Promoting a new site has never been easy, and it's getting tougher every day. Site owners are forced to spend hours upon hours doing mundane and unproductive tasks such as exchanging links. Many give up, and splurge on advertising - which is why Google Adwords earns $1 billion per quarter.

    How will Qassia generate traffic?
    Qassia is fantastic because you get credit for sharing your intelligence. The more credit you earn, the better your websites will rank. And you get a backlink to your website for every intel you add - only Qassia gives you unlimited quality backlinks.
    This provides incentive for site owners to contribute to Qassia. Thus harnessing the minds of millions, Qassia will become the largest repository of intelligence on the web.

    Give it a try, check it out, register your user name and your site(s), and see what happens. You can post your articles to Qassia as well, and the more you add to the site, the more Qassia
    dollars you'll accumulate.

    You'll need an invite to register, it's just here > Qassia

    Need some love from TECHNORATI?

    Well, we do all need traffic, and are seeking readers for our blogs, be it on Technorati, MyBlogLog, or anywhere else helping us to show our blogs.

    This is what I've found today at Nice deal, help them and they'll help you in return :)

    ***Start Copying Here:***

    Here are the rules:

    1) Write a short introduction paragraph about what how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.

    2) COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of the blog. Just don’t change the links of the blog.

    3) Take “My New Faves” and move them into the “The Original Faves” list.

    4) Add 3 Blogs that you’ve just added to your Technorati Favorites to the “My New Faves” section. Remember to also add the “Fave Me” link next to your new blogs (i.e.

    5) Add Everyone on this list to your Technorati Favorites List by clicking on “Fave the Site.” Those who want good kharma will fave you back. If not, you will for sure get the benefits of faves from the bloggers who continue this list after you.

    My New Faves

    Money One Click at a Time - Fave the site
    ADuu's chinese food - Fave the site
    A World of Inspiration - Fave the site

    The Original Faves

    Duckeldanny - Fave the Site
    Planeta Atavex - Fave this Site
    Kelly Cho - Fave the Site
    Shawn Knight - Fave the Site
    Tyler Ingram - Fave the Site
    Bobs [ReformatThis] - Fave the Site
    Everyday Weekender - Fave the Site
    Armen’s Blog - Fave the Site
    Gary Lee - Fave the Site
    Dosh Dosh - Fave the Site
    Nate Whitehill
    - Fave the Site
    Ms. Danielle - Fave the Site
    Jeff Kee - Fave the Site
    Scribble on the Wall - Fave the Site
    Jimi Morrisons Head - Fave the Site
    Jon Lee - Fave the Site
    Samanathon - Fave the Site
    Eat Drink & Be Merry - Fave the Site
    The Man of Silver
    - Fave the Site
    Hannes Johnson - Fave the Site
    My Dandelion Patch
    - Fave the Site
    Nathan Drach - Fave the Site
    SiteLogic - Fave the Site
    Julies Journal - Fave the Site
    Stephen Fung - Fave the Site
    Ed Lau - Fave the Site
    QMusings - Fave the Site

    ***End Copying Here***


    Today I have signed up at Clickyu. I thought about doing so since a certain time already, and when I saw an ad for this program today, I decided to give it a try.

    Membership :

    As free member you will get 0.75 cent per ad you view

    0.25 for each ad your referrals view.

    As a premium member you will get 1 cent per ad you view

    0.5 cent for each ad your referrals view.

    Payout : $5

    Upgrade :

    Right now, Clickyu has 2 very interesting offers : regular premium Membership is $29.99 for 1 year BUT through March this upgrade will be offered for $19.99 AND the first 100 will get this upgrade for life !!

    This is what you get when you upgrade :

    • 1 cent per click
    • 5 free referrals if available
    • 15 second timer
    • Double first level referrals earnings from 0.25 cents to 0.50 cents per click
    • Priority Payments - get paid in less than 2 days.
    • Priority Support

    You can also puchase referrals at this rate :

    They have a 10 referrals package for $9.95

    Advertising :

    This month Clickyu offers also very interesting deals concerning advertising, hereunder regular as well as advertising special 1/2 price (even more than 1/2, the more you buy the cheaper it is!) :

    • 100 Member visits $3 >>>>>$1.76
    • 250 Member visits $7 >>>>>$3.49
    • 500 Member visits $14 >>>>$6.38
    • 1000 Member visits $28 >>>>$12.15
    • 2000 Member visits $50 >>>>$23.70
    • 3000 Member visits $75 >>>>$35.25
    • 5000 Member visits $125 >>>$58.35
    • 10000 Member visits $250 >>>$116.10
    And as a bonus you'll get this : (offer available through March too ) : Anyone that buys an ad package gets 1 referral for every 100 ads purchased.

    Blog Special ! : once you're a member and if you have a blog you'll get 1 free referral if you post about their advertising special (bloglink has to be submitted via Clickyu's contact page)

    My opinion :

    Though it's still a bit early to have a firm opinion about Clickyu, I think it's a very promising site. Seeing their offers concerning upgrade and advertising, I did something I've never done and upgraded immediately. I'm now Member4 life and got my 5 referrals (who by the way are active ones>> I do precise it because often sites do not check if the refs they allow are or not active)

    Concerning advertising rates, the site seems sustainable.